Renate Oude Nijeweme
Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

TLDR: I do not use AI for my creative work
The weird stuff you read came all from my mind

Let’s be clear about my work and the use of artificial intelligence. And for this clarity I will use the common known and suddenly very hip and happening things like Chatgpt or Huggingface, not the Facebook variant where it recognizes your face and that of your friends, or the variants like chatbots or Siri. (So I will not be asking myself why we don’t mind Netflix knowing our favourite shows or Facebook recognizing us in photo’s from way before the internet and we do mind it using our words).

I like technology. I liked it since the first time I dialled up, the first time soldering a resistance on a circuit board, the first time my BASIC code worked, you get the drift. Seeing how things evolved has baffled me and not always in a good way. I keep being curious and thus I’ll keep trying out the new kid on the block.

Things are evolving very quick as does my stance on this thing. When I wrote the Peber Paradox I had some free AI image service come up with a fitting cover. I dislike writing about myself so my writersbio and even the text on my website were written by AI. And then things changed and now it isn’t any more -and from now on it won’t be.

LLMs are great in many ways, for example in assisting me navigating the world with my disabilities. I think like many other inventions which got some traction it is not about the invention but the way we use it or, let the company use our data. It’s a bigger problem where closed source, billionaire driven companies can do whatever they want as there aren’t any repercussions. Well, these are too many thoughts for a declaration like this. LLMs are also awful in many ways. Creativity for instance. So I really do not hope you’re here because you read a short story of mine and thought it could have been written by a GPT.

As I am writing in English and as this is not my first language I do use thesauruses (like I would if I wrote in Dutch) and sometimes I need a translation tool to find the word I am looking for. And of course, everywhere I write I get these nice red lines underneath words I spelled incorrectly, another use of AI I can’t go without. (Would I have noticed I spelled it wothout if it wasn’t red underlined?)

I am curious to see where technology will be going. All of it, including the various forms of artificial intelligence. I am really curious to see where my brain will take me, which creative process lies just around the corner and which stories I will be able to type down. I like the output of my brain more, I like to train it and feed it more then I like to do it with an LLM. And that’s why no (creative) output of mine will be any other then from my mysterious lump of white and grey matter.