A small plot of land

The improvised sundial showed that too much time had passed. Tubbernay was only 40 minutes away. Even with everything against him, he would have made it back hours ago. Ricca gathered her stuff. There was no use sitting here, watching more time pass by; she had to make it back to Sketha, she had to make sure no one would come for her. Ricca knew that she would be in danger for not making the delivery. Maybe Thiubis had a secret stash somewhere?…

Reflections in the Meuse

He did not see her. How could it be any difference, the setting September sun shone fiercely in his eyes, the same light must have deprived her of her sight as well. His hands gripped the balustrade even tighter. He stared down at the water of the Meuse. Every so often, his eyes would drift to the right, to the quay where she stood. Where she was once the frail lady on his arm whom he was proud to show the world, now…